Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nifty Motivator

My birthday was this past Saturday (the big 2-0) and when Josh asked what I wanted I sent him straight to my Amazon wish list. He knows I'm trying to get better at moving rather than sitting all the time, so the gift he picked for me was perfect. It tracks my steps, moderate steps, calories burned by walking, and the distance I've walked each day. And it stores a whole week's worth of this information! Super nifty.

Can you guess what he got me?

That's right!!! He got me a pedometer!!! The Omron HJ-151 Hip Pedometer for Aerobic Activity is awesome. I love that I can see how many overall steps and moderate steps I've taken, how many calories I've burned by walking, and the distance I've walked. I'm so psyched. And it actually HAS been helping me to get up and move more at home and at work. What a wonderfully smart fiance I have. =)

Omron HJ-151 Hip Pedometer for Aerobic Activity

Do you have any simple technology that motivates you to move and groove more? Care to share?

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